Every single episode and film of Star Trek, ever. Reviewed here (eventually). This page features every review in chronological order by series official episode numbering. If you want to start at the first episode of The Original Series, and make your way all the way through to the current review, this is the place to go.

TOS S01E01 – The Man Trap

TOS S01E02 – Charlie X

TOS S01E03 – Where No Man Has Gone Before

TOS S01E04 – The Naked Time

TOS S01E05 – The Enemy Within

TOS S01E06 – Mudd’s Women

TOS S01E07 – What Are Little Girls Made Of?

TOS S01E08 – Miri

TOS S01E09 – Dagger of the Mind

TOS S01E10 – The Corbomite Maneuver

TOS S01E11 – The Menagerie, Part 1

TOS S01E12 – The Menagerie, Part 2

TOS S01E13 – The Conscience of the King

TOS S01E14 – Balance of Terror

TOS S01E15 – Shore Leave

TOS S01E16 – The Galileo Seven

TOS S01E17 – The Squire of Gothos

TOS S01E18 – Arena

TOS S01E19 – Tomorrow is Yesterday

TOS S01E20 – Court Martial

TOS S01E21 – Return of the Archons

TOS S01E22 – Space Seed

TOS S01E23 – A Taste of Armageddon

TOS S01E24 – This Side of Paradise

TOS S01E25 – The Devil in the Dark

TOS S01E26 – Errand of Mercy

TOS S01E27 – The Alternative Factor

TOS S01E28 – The City on the Edge of Forever